Frequently asked questions.

What is a Chakra?

Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. The concept is found in the early traditions of Hinduism. There are many different opinions about how many chakras there are, but the most popularly accepted model in the Western World acknowledges seven main chakras that reside along the energy channel of the spine from the tip of the tailbone to the top of the crown. Working with chakras does not have to be a religious practice. Caring for oneself does not question any religion or way of passage.

How many Chakras are there?

There are 7 main chakras that this website will be focusing on. Here are the names and locations:

1st Chakra “Root (Muladhara)”:  Lower tailbone

2nd Chakra ”Sacral (Swadhisthana)”:  Naval/Pelvis

3rd Chakra “Solar Plexus (Manipura)”: upper part of the belly, where your diaphragm rests

4th Chakra “Heart (Anahata)”: HeartCenter

5th Chakra “Throat (Vishuddha)”:  Throat region

6th Chakra “Third Eye (Ajna) “:  Above and between the brows

7th Chakra” Crown (Sahasrara)” :  Above the crown of the head

What does each chakra signify?

Here’s a brief description of what each chakra works with.

 1st Chakra:  Grounding, Prosperity, Safety, Vitality, Career, Home

2nd Chakra:  Creativity, Intimacy, Fertility, Sexuality, Adaptability

3rd Chakra:  Confidence, Action, Energy, Laughter, Mental Clarity

4th Chakra:  Love, Compassion, Relationships, Empathy

5th Chakra:  Truth, Purpose, Expression, Artistry, Communication

6th Chakra:  Intuition, Vision, Dreams, Insight

7th Chakra:  Wisdom, Intelligence, Unity, Spirit, Awareness

How do I know if my chakras are not in alignment?

When your chakras are not in alignment or balanced, you will feel a sense of insecurity, concerning values, lack of trust, truth, expression, clarity, overall, everything listed in the previous questions that it works with will feel the total opposite or over stimulated. Just like one can feel insecure for lack of balance, being overly stimulated can cause over-expression, cockiness, sexual deviancy, and more. To find out the percentages of your chakra, answer TRUTHFULLY with this website! This will provide insight on what you believe you may want to work on.

Are you a certified life coach?

Yes I am! I am certified and nationally as well as internationally recognized by the Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency

(Provider No: 50134).

What could I speak with you about with using the life coach service?

With the life coach service you can ask me anything as large as starting a business start to finish, asking for how to obtain a personal vendor list, love life issues, and more! Life coach’s main word is LIFE. What is it that YOU want to work on that you feel you may need assistance on? I’m open to all and EVERYTHING is confidential.

Is tarot reading “evil” or not meant to be tampered with?

Tarot readings, pendulum readings, wax readings, all of these are tools. It is the person that works with the source of their choice that provides the answers. These tools are just to provide a visual to the message. I believe in God. I am a peaceful individual. Tarot readings have no specific religion. With that being said, with my practice the answer is no. I will not provide any messages that will be meant to harm, or tell of the future. It is strictly up to you to put the message with your life and what it could mean. I also allow questions and will talk with you through what you may have uncertainties about however my readings will never be with any “dark entities” of any sorts.

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